Riddle school 7 transfer 2 answers
Riddle school 7 transfer 2 answers

riddle school 7 transfer 2 answers

Click it to add it to your stash so that you now have 43 cents. The middle drawer, positioned just below the coffee mugs, contains the nickel. Before you do the same, check the drawers near the room's right side. Oddverb asks if you think she should go look for the combination in her classroom. His combination is in your class." Finally, select "Yes." when Mrs. Oddverb, about Richy.?" and then "He's stuck in his locker. Click the first speech bubble to engage the woman in the green dress. The teachers have some questions for you. Click the left arrow pointing down to enter the teacher's lounge, where two teachers are relaxing. Next head downstairs and then right one screen so that you're standing in front of the bathrooms. Head left one screen to where the lad with "feed me" written on his shirt is still lounging on a bench. Now that you're wealthy, it's time to worry about Richy. Inside that room, click on the quarter that is positioned under the green chair to grab it. Click on the gray Janitor's Closet doorway, positioned just to the right of the locker where poor Richy is trapped. Your classmate is in distress, but all you can think about right now is finding more money you're bound to need later. This will trigger a scene and introduce you to Richy, who tells you the combination to get him out of the locker can be found in Mrs. Click on the locker, specifically near the combination that looks like a ruler stretched across it. There, you will see a word bubble that points to a locker. Ignore him for now and head one screen to the right. In the overhead hallway, there is a portly fellow sitting on a bench. Then climb the stairs by clicking on the corresponding arrow. Exit the bathroom.īack in the hallway once more, head left one screen to find another penny on the floor near the right side of the base of the stairs leading up to the next level. This prompts a new cutscene depicting the arrival of the janitor. Then flush the toilet by clicking on the flusher, located near the top left side of the toilet. Drag the toilet paper from your inventory to the toilet in the stall. Then click on the toilet paper to collect it. Once inside, click on the stall to open it. Once there, click the arrow leading into the bathroom to the left of the water fountain.

riddle school 7 transfer 2 answers

Exit the supply closet to return to the hallway. Now that you're loaded down with more money than you have any immediate need to spend, it's time to cause some mischief. You should now have 12 cents in your inventory. Grab your extended ruler from your inventory and use it on the dime to collect the precious coin. It's small and difficult to see, but there is a dime resting on the top shelf of the bookcase in this room, almost touching the ceiling. Grab it and then click the right of the two arrows pointing down near the bottom of the play area, which allows you to enter the supply closet. To the left of the base of the green lockers, there is another penny. Now you are back in the hallway you accessed by leaving Mr. Combine that item with your ruler with gum on the tip. Drag the glasses from your inventory and let them rest over the librarian's head to allow him to see better. Read, the librarian who shushed you, stands to the left of a desk. Then you need to enter the library, using the arrow pointing down near the base of the play area.

riddle school 7 transfer 2 answers

At the floor to your left is a penny, which you should grab. You're now standing in the hallway, which has multiple points of egress. Then exit to the hallway by clicking the arrow near the lower right side of your active play area.

riddle school 7 transfer 2 answers

Grab it from your inventory and drag it to your teacher, which triggers an additional cutscene that concludes with his glasses falling to the floor. Drag the ruler with gum on its tip over to the vent and trigger a brief cutscene that concludes with you one rubberband richer. Positioned on the wall behind your teacher is the airvent. Then click on the chewing gum to add it to your inventory. Click twice on the globe to spin it until a pink wad of gum becomes available. Soggy, is near the right side of the area and there are other students trying to pay attention.Ĭlick on the ruler to add it to your inventory, then look to the teacher's desk. You are in the seat along the room's left side, with a ruler on your desk. Your first order of business is to leave the classroom you occupy as the game begins.

Riddle school 7 transfer 2 answers